Category Uncategorized

AI for Documentation and Code Comments

When I first started Boomering I used a third party partner to write the original code. They are a good team and I can recommend them for MVP building. However, one of the issues I had was they didn’t comment…

For What I am Thankful

As Thanksgiving weekend draws to a close I have been reflecting on what I am thankful for this year. Without a doubt, this year has been the hardest year of my life. 2023 has felt like a freight train hitting…

Saturday Song: Angelique Kidjo

Last night my wife and I went to see Angelique Kidjo at the Haus der Kulturen die Welt in Berlin. It was a surprise date I organized for my wife, and a much needed break from the hectic clatter and…

Crossroads and Countdown

It’s hard to write this post but it’s necessary. My startup is at a crossroads and in need of a pivot. We have about 6 months cash flow left. Our initial idea was an audio only messaging platform for the…

Building The Babel Tower in Startups

As we explore the possibilities of using AI to enhance our business operations, I’ve been reflecting on my experiences in the tech industry, particularly the pervasive issue of ineffective communication. People suck at communicating. Humans misunderstand, intentionally sometimes, they are…

Changes To This Blog

I’ve been blogging now for around 10 years. I lost the first five years hackers, and this current format has chugged along with inconsistent results for a few years now. I originally started writing the blog because I thought I…

German AI Landscape

If you’re interested in Artificial Intelligence there’s a great report released each year by the Applied AI group. I’m certainly finding the applications of AI increasingly relevant to what we’re building in the voice tech space. While the German landscape…

German Angel Investors

We’re entering the first fundraising for Boomering and it’s been a massive learning experience. I moved to Berlin without much of a network, and I’ve struggled to build it. This was partly due to Covid 19, when the general mood…