German AI Landscape

If you’re interested in Artificial Intelligence there’s a great report released each year by the Applied AI group. I’m certainly finding the applications of AI increasingly relevant to what we’re building in the voice tech space. While the German landscape is focused more on what German’s have been historically good at – manufacturing, social work, transportation, wholesale and agriculture / forestry – you’ll find startups in most sectors. I was disappointed to see there’s hardly any startups in the consumer space. It’s likely that Google, Facebook, and Microsoft dominate that industry. Why compete against the giants in AI at this point? It’s much easier to find a particular niche and build your model to be 10X better at that particular task than a large generalized model from one of the tech giants. But as AI gets better at the general level, won’t it neutralize those specific domain models’ advantages? I think it will.

You can read the report here.

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