The Secret To Learning Anything

I have several months to myself in Berlin before I actively start looking for work. It’s a sabbatical of sorts. After a hectic last few years I’m treating myself to some time to pursue my own interests. I’ve selected three…

Challenger Banks And Tradeoffs

One thing I’ve noticed now that I have both Monzo and N26 is that Monzo has more features. It’s a better app and the user experience is better. Their budgeting tools are great, their focus on personalization wins, and the…

Thoughts On Hong Kong

I went on a three week trip to China and Hong Kong this year. My wife and I try do one long trip a year, and since we’ve got several friends around China with contracts ending now was the right…

Mental Model Monday: Ultralearning

I have five months in Berlin before the end of the year. I am currently unemployed but I am comfortable financially. This situation will last until the end of the year, uncomfortably. I don’t like inactivity, and I don’t like…

Discover Yourself And Be Rich

Today I read that people come to Berlin to discover their passion and whether they can make a career out of it. I thought that had a nice blend of romanticism and capitalism to it. We all want to make…

Mobility And Infrastructure

After living in Africa for ten years, the last four in Cape Town, I have missed out on the great mobility boom across the world. Africa, generally speaking, has a ton of work to do in improving the roads and…

Mental Model Monday: Consistency

Probably the one great mental model for self improvement. One of the most difficult to fully grasp. I struggle with it, and only through experience have I gotten better. Last night I read a great talk by Peter Kaufman on…


In Warren Buffet’s first letter to his shareholders he wrote that a good investor should realize “the importance of being in businesses where tailwinds prevail rather than headwinds.” The context here was the textile mills he owned which were excellently…

New City: Berlin

After ten years in Africa I have made the jump to Europe. It was a successful ten years, and I’m proud of what I accomplished. My wife and I were considering other options, and after she got a great job…