Category fintech

JUMO Raises $52 Million by Goldman Sachs

The company I’ve worked at for 3 years just raised $52 million.  I couldn’t be prouder of the current team and those that were here at the beginning.  It’s a phenomenal achievement and big validation of our model. Go read…

Regulators Can Do Awesome Stuff

Buried half way down some Legislation from the European Union is a bank shattering piece of legislation that will change the banking landscape in the European Union.  The legislation, dubbed PSD2, for Revised Payment Service Directive, opens the door to…

How Do Banks Get Into Fintech?

Where are the banks in fintech?  I came across an article by McKinsey today which outlines how a bank can move towards digitizing lending. Lending is a cornerstone of banking, and it forms one of the more important parts of…

Mobile Money Use Cases

I’m a big fan of fintech.  It’s awesome.  It’s where I hope to spend my career.  There’s innovation occurring across the sector, from different stores of value to entirely new means of exchange.   I’ve focused the better half of the last…

What Account Do You Prefer

Account penetration in Africa is growing thanks to mobile money.   The percentage of account penetration in Africa is now led by Kenya, which is in front of a BRIC country- South Africa – mostly due to the success of M-Pesa and…

When Elephants Fight

There’s an African proverb that goes “When two elephants fight, it’s the grass that dies.”  The saying is applicable to wars, policy, labour, and a multitude of other scenarios.  I hadn’t heard of it before this week when a twitter…

What’s Next In Different Places

Analysts and fund managers around the world make good money predicting the future.  They use numerous different strategies and models, some quantitative, some qualitative, some based on comparison, others not.  The list goes on.   Today I’m focusing on understanding the…

Fintech in Emerging Markets vs Developed Markets.

Bank of America is launching Erica, a digital assistant to help manage your bank account. The app promises to help you manage your bills, transfer money, and access important information about your account. Branch, a fintech company, raised over $100M…