
Rapid prototyping works. It’s also super fun. Today in our design thinking class we prototyped solutions for a hybrid learning classroom. The instructors brought a range of stuff to build prototypes, from egg crates to tin foil to arts and crafts supplies. We prototyped several tools, all of which fit into a mobile learning kit we called “Das Kit”. I think the kit would actually be a viable solution for the problems we’ve faced as an MBA class. It includes a bracelet for the professor that alerts her when a student online has a question. It also includes a low cost tablet for students to use during group work. The table will simply display the faces of anyone that is joining online. A simple design change we also implemented was moving a TV to the back of the classroom so the professor can see students online without turning her back to the class. If there’s an existing TV in the room, that’s a free change that adds a lot of value.

Prototyping physical hardware is a completely different ballgame than prototyping software. For software, I’m using Figma. The experience has been excellent, simply because it’s so intuitive. The software is free to use for less than three projects. Here’s a link.

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