Light Energy and Dark Energy

As the school year winds down and my classmates plans for next year begin to crystalize, I’m wondering what in the hell I am thinking starting a business. Pursuing a job opportunity is the rational thing to do. I’ve done it before, I know how to do it, and there are plenty of jobs in the startup heavy city of Berlin. Instead I find myself lost. How do I do this? When do I start that? Who is the right person to speak to for that?

Starting a business for the first time feels like a big exploration of legal, human and technical barriers. Talking to people and hearing their feedback or guidance is exciting and feeds my energy. But energy is both light and dark energy. Its two sides of the same coin. And both of them drive me.

Light energy is the happy reconfirming feeling that you get when you’re told your on the right path. “Great idea,” or “definitely do this,” or “I know the perfect person to connect you to,” all fall in that category. It gives you the feeling that you’re on the right track and fills you with a purpose that yes, maybe this isn’t the craziest idea I’ve ever thought of, put into blood sweat and tears. Light energy is good, and it drives you.

Dark energy is the fight and stubbornness you feel when you’re told you’re on the wrong path. “That won’t work,” or “why are you doing this,” or “you can get a good job instead,” all fall into this category. Dark energy is the feeling that you want to prove the world wrong, that you are on the right path and they are all wrong. It gives you more purpose sometimes, and it makes you double down and push harder. Dark energy is good, and it drives you.

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