Journey as a Founder

The last couple months have been busy. I’ve set up a company and started building the product. I’ve recruited my cofounders and 3 developers to start building Boomering’s first product. I’ve got a list of 200 angel investors in Germany that I am whittling down to 20. I’ve done numerous administrative jobs that I had no idea how to do; wrote contracts, set up AWS, GitHub, and I paid my company’s taxes. This journey is only beginning. Social audio is at the beginning of its growth, and Boomering hopes to be a large part of the forward momentum.

I’ve been advised I need to build a larger presence online and as I start fundraising. Initially, I found that disturbing. I don’t want to promote myself. That’s never been my style. But the people I talk to say I don’t need to be sleazy to do it. I’ll try. Forgive me for the additional posts.

On this blog I plan on writing about the founder journey. The challenges, wins and interesting parts of being a founder. Whether that is strategy, product, legal or admin, I hope you find some value in it.



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