Why is Lending on the Blockchain Badass?

Blockchain is all the rage.  People all around the world participated in a wild run-up of the price of the blockchain currencies/assets last year, and are now suffering significant losses in the sell-off.  But this was a small piece of the much larger story in the blockchain ecosystem.  Also throughout the world, companies were forming to build businesses on or utilizing blockchains.   I’ve followed the blockchain space for five years now, and the most exciting time for me was last year seeing what these companies were coming up with.  Naturally, as I’ve worked in fintech most of my life, the fintech blockchain companies were the most appealing to me.  There are two that I’m still avidly following; Bloom.co, and Dharma.io .

Both of these companies are tackling lending and credit scoring, and Bloom, to a larger extent, is also trying to tackle identity.  You can go read more about them yourselves, and I’ll write about each of them soon, but the reason one or both of these companies is going to be successful is that they both bring transparency to the opaque world of lending.  That in itself is a massive improvement.



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