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Mental Model Monday: Principles

Ray Dalio’s book is legit.  It’s crystalizing a lot of the work I’ve read on mental models, while also putting down some great insight into execution.  One key takeaway for me right now is his five step process to achieving your…

Mental Model Monday: Reading

This isn’t really a mental model, more of a mindset.  But I include it as a mental model because you can use it as an instant or deferred model against the world.  If you’ve read a book, you’ve accessed knowledge…

Mental Model Monday: First Principles

Last week I took four days off work and went on a five-day hike along the coast of South Africa.  We carried all our own supplies.  It was a beautiful experience, refreshing the mind, rejuvenating the soul and purifying the…

Mental Model Monday: Falsification

Today we have a deadly combination for decision making, falsification and confirmation bias. Falsification was popularized by Sir Karl Popper, a philosopher.  Falsification is the idea that the only way to test the validity of any theory was to prove…

Mental Model Monday: Two Systems of Thought

I’m reading Homo Deus right now and the third section has started. In it, Y.K. Harrari begins by analyzing the two systems of thought that humans make decisions by. He calls these the experience side, and the narrative side. The…

Mental Model Monday: Tradeoffs

I have a feeling people talk about tradeoffs with a bit too much confidence, as if they understood how easy it is to make a tradeoff.  I feel this because I think I am one of those people.  I talk…

Mental Model Monday: AutoCatalysis (Delayed Again!)

I quite like this model.  Autocatalysis is a model from chemistry, which occurs when a reaction speeds up on its own.  Essentially one reaction creates another, which creates another, so on and so forth until at some point it tapers out.  In business,…

Mobile Is Massive for Africa

I lived in Tanzania for five and a half years.  In that time, I saw some phenomenal changes in the penetration of mobile products.  I pulled some stats today to show what I mean.     In 2009, when I…