Category blockchain

Who Likes to Speculate?

Like pretty much everyone else, I was caught up in the Bitcoin speculative bubble of late last year.  During the frothy times, I entertained ideas of grandeur, where I would run a bitcoin hedgefund in Cape Town with my friends…

What to Read this Weekend

This weekend I’m going to the Cape Town Sevens and a summer concert at Kirstenbosch Gardens.  I won’t have much time to read, but I plan on getting through Jeremy Epstein’s e-book on blockchains.  It’s called “Block Chains in the…

Blockchains and Supply Chains

I love the idea and application of blockchains. In Africa, there’s plenty of inefficiencies that can be addressed by implementing blockchain systems. I’m particularly interested on blockchains in financial lending and supply chains. Pharmaceutical companies and distributors across the continent…